IF : Quito - EFC


Wondering what is IF:Gathering?

Watch the video below to find out more:

Join us this year as we gather together at EFC

for the 2021 IF : Gathering in Quito!

Watch the video below to catch the vision for this year’s gathering:

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His kingdom is coming.

We want His will to be done on this earth as it is in heaven and our heart and prayer is that “on earth as it is in heaven” starts with us.

And we would stop wondering if it is possible to change the world.

It’s possible.

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We believe gathering together to listen and learn from women from various cultures, backgrounds, and ages, is the spark to fuel discipleship in our communities.


Saturday 27th of March

8:00am to 4:30pm


At English Fellowship Church

Ave. Brasil N39-172 (across from Domino’s Pizza)


$5 per person* / Boxed lunch will be offered

Bring your bible, pen, and journal / Boxed materials can be picked up for online option


Registration closes March 10th

For more info/questions e-mail: knowingandgrowingcommunity@gmail.com

*Direct deposit info - Name: English Fellowship Church, Produbanco Cuenta Corriente: 02052012510, RUC: 1791946294001, E-mail: englishfellowshipchurch@gmail.com

*Online Payment via PayPal - You can pay online by clicking the “donate” button below. Please indicate that the payment is for “IF: Gathering Women’s Conference,” include how many you are paying for and the names of each person (first and last name).

IF : Gathering 2020 at EFC

IF : Gathering 2020 at EFC

EFCito Parent Workshop

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To all Parents of Pre-school – 6th graders  - Parent Workshop

Come explore ideas of how to invest in your children spiritually at home, and how the EFCito ministry wants to partner with you. We would love to help equip you with ideas and resources, especially during these weeks as we anticipate the coming of the Easter season. Our kids are at home A LOT right now, and what a great time to invest in their spiritual formation. There will also be books and videos to check out from our church library, and a pre-Easter packet you may pick up for your child (either at the workshop or the following weeks in the EFC office). We look forward to seeing you, whether in person or online!

When: Sunday, February 21   11:00am-12:15pm

Where: In person in the Fellowship Hall or online via Zoom

What to bring: If you have an idea or resource you would like to share with other families, please bring it!