We aim to impact the world through gospel transformation among the internationally-focused people of Quito.


We believe church is both the global and local community of people who share a common bond made possible and necessary through the Gospel. What this means is that we have been reconciled to our Creator through Jesus and purposed to love God and others through the direction and power of the Holy Spirit.  EFC is a local church providing an invitation for Christ followers here in Quito to be a community committed to living out this purpose of loving God and others.  We are incredibly thankful and excited that Jesus Christ is building his global church. Furthermore, Christ has established that every local church is made up of people committed to God’s plan in this age to continue to restore and renew that which is broken. This shared commitment focused on a common goal and purpose is what we call covenant membership. 

covenant membership

Covenant membership is our way of helping to launch, cultivate, and grow followers of Christ.  It is our longing to equip people to individually and collectively proclaim God’s good news to each other and the world.  We humbly and eagerly take part in this partnership through the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God as one of the local churches in Quito, Ecuador. This course is part of the structure that EFC has designed to help you partner with us as part of the greater partnership with our Creator.

Please contact us at the link below

to inquire about Covenant Membership